
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thurs July 9, 2009

I cant tell you how amazing Blake is! Everyday we go into therapy he is stronger than the day before. He is such a fighter! Its hard to believe that he has come such a long way in such a short period of time. Day to day he gets stronger and its miraculous to watch. Today he did so good in therapy. One of our challenges was to have him lay on his tummy and play on the floor on his elbows-putting weight on his shoulders. At first he couldn't do this for very long without support-only days ago. Today Marcy didnt have to help him hardly at all. She was shocked. He also did great work this morning with Angie-doing lot of sit to stand. His leg muscles are really coming back! We also finally got his leg brace this afternoon. He doesnt seem to mind it at all. Of course its totally cool. :) The brace is white with yellow foam and black velco straps, the middle strap is decorated with a rock band. Now that he has a true mohawk all the nurses are calling him the 'coolest kid on the floor' not to mention everyone thinks he is SO cute. I am one proud mama. He amazes them with his rocker look and sweet personality. Watch out girls-he is gonna be trouble. I know Phil is already coming up with all kinds of cool stories about how he got his 'cool scar'. Boys will be boys! :) Tonight we actually took Blake down to the cafeteria to get him out of the room for a little bit. He really seemed to enjoy it. I am really looking forward to going home tomorrow. At first I was a little nervous about taking him home, but after seeing all the improvements this week-I know that being home will be really good for all of us. We start outpatient therepy next week at the rehabilitation center. Nikki is the head of the outpatient therapy-she also happens to be a parent from my preschool class. Her daughter is in my class, and one of the speech therapists-Molly-her son is in my class too. How crazy is that? I feel so lucky to have such GREAT parents. I still cant believe how much fate/god has played in this whole situation. I need to just make a whole update about it! Maybe tomorrow I will. ;) Thank you all for all your support and messages! I love you all!!

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