
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tue Dec 7, 2010

Blake feeding his new kitty
Oh boy oh boy!! I have some amazing news...we met with our Neurologist on Friday. We meet with him every 6 months, to review scans and understand things better. He is a great communicator! So we went in on Friday knowing that Blake's last MRI showed his tumor 'stable'. Dr. Le Pichon was reviewing his scans, he pulled them up one by one since our May scan. As he is showing us, Phil and I are shocked at the great difference since May. Proton therapy is killing Blake's tumor, and I mean its really shrinking it! He then went on to tell us that it 'appears' to be no longer on his brain stem. OMG!! Seriously?! That is the BEST news! I know its not 100% for sure, but the fact is that its dying! His tumor is dying! I am praying that this continues until there is no longer any tumor left to do any kind of damage! I know that this most likely wont happen, but a girl can hope right?! lol We are having such a great holiday season. Blake got a new kitty, im not sure if I mentioned that in my last post. Roxy is her name. She looks like a siamese snowshoe. She is super cute!
We rescued her from a foster shelter. She ended up being a pretty sick kitty. She lost a lot of weight and was literally skin and bone. Our vet and the lady I adopted her from said it was unlikely that she would make it through Thanksgiving. Well let me just tell you that I didnt let that happen. I gave that kitty love, and fed her around the clock, she made it through Thanksgiving. I took her to the Vet the following Monday, the vet was shocked that she had gained a little weight. He gave me 2 more medications to give her and special kitten food. Let me proudly say that she is doing very well!! People seem to give up on sick things...but I have learned if you let them fight-they will. And it worked! lol Blake loves her, he is pretty good with her. Such a gentle giant.
My little reindeer!
Blake and an awesome Santa!
We attended the Leukemia and Lymphoma Cancer Society Christmas party at the Westin hotel in Crown Center. It was such a blast. Blake made reindeer antler headband, decorated cookies, took our picture in a photo booth, rocked out with Mr. Stinky Feet, met Santa, and got to pick a present to take home with him. It was such a great afternoon. Blake loved meeting Santa. I thought at first he would be scared of him. However, I was very wrong. lol He ran right up and sat on his lap and had quite a long conversation with him. I have no clue what they talked about...but I guess its between Santa and Blake. :) This is gonna be a great Christmas...I can feel it! We are looking forward to a MERRY Christmas, we have lots to celebrate! I am so thankful for all the continued prayers and support. We live off both! lol Blake is still fighting to use his right side, but we are still going to therapy 3 days a week for 5 hours each day. He is doing great! My hope is that by summer he will have made enough gain on his right side that we can put him in preschool, and maybe I can get a part time job. Wouldnt that be just fantastic. Im not sure what I am going to do yet, but I wanna help other families going through similar situations. Who knows. I know God has a plan for me, and I know he will open the door when the time is right!

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