
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29, 2012

Its crazy to think that its only been a month and I have SO much to tell you! Lets start with today...

We went to see Blake's neurologist this morning, Dr. Le Pichon, whom we love!! We see him every 6 months and he goes over his most recent MRI's and answers any questions we might have. We looked over the MRI's from his past Nov, July and April scans. We have been watching a spot on Blake's brain (a lesion) and have been patiently waiting to figure out what it is, praying it wasn't another tumor. Well, after reviewing the scans and comparing them, Dr. Le Pichon is pretty certain that the lesion is just scar tissue!! HOORAY!! He said all of our prayers have paid off and that this is the best news we could have prayed for! Needless to say we left his office very very happy!! I have to thank all of you who have prayed and sent positive thoughts our way! We greatly appreciate all your support!!

Ok, ready for some more exciting news?!!

Many of you may follow me on facebook, so this might not be 'new' news for you, everyone else get ready! Lol.

In January, a little girl named Nevaeh was added to my class. I learned that she was a foster child, and soon learned the lady caring for her was not doing such a great job. I instantly fell in love with this little girl with big brown eyes. She melted my heart and I just wanted to take her home. Meeting her inspired me to look into becoming a foster parent, so I came home one day and mentioned 'fostering' to Phil. We had talked about adoption a long time ago, and having Nevaeh in my class really got me thinking. Phil thought it was a good idea, but wanted more information. So we invited a friend of mine over, who has been fostering for a couple years now, to answer some questions and give us some more info. I also called my Aunt who has also been a foster parent for some time, to get her advice and more info. Phil and I decided that we could really help a child out, give them love and support and more importantly a family! Call it Gods will, that very next week my friend called and said Nevaeh was going up for placement. Her current foster mom was not able to take care of her or give her what she needed. Crazy right?! So we made a few phone calls, and my friend called Nevaeh's case worker to let her know I was interested. The case worker was thrilled that we wanted her. We are considered 'kinship' providers since I know her from school. She called and set up a time to do our home study and had us fill out some paper work. It has now been a week and we are patiently waiting to find out when she will be coming to live with us. Its been hard to wait, but we have had time to change my office into a bedroom, and are collecting lots of hand-me-downs since Nevaeh has very little. She only wore 4 different outfits to school, most were too big for her, and her shoes were too small for her feet. It was so sad seeing her come to school like that, her hair was never brushed or fixed. Right now Nevaeh has been placed with my friend, we are waiting patiently for the courts to approve a kinship license for us. We were able to spend some time with her over the weekend. Phil and Blake both really like her. My friend is taking such good care of her, she told me that if she didn't like us as much as she does, she would tell the case worker to stop and just let her keep her. lol I know that she will be loved and cared for as long as we have any say! Her name is heaven backwards...tell me that God didn't put her in my class for a reason. lol I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I have always wanted a little girl. Ya never know what Gods plan is until its right in front of you. I know this is going to be a journey, and I'm sure it wont always be easy. I do know that no matter what happens we can get through it. After the past 3 years with Blake, I know that we can get through anything as long as we stick together and pray, pray, pray. We are rich in love and support. And that's all you really need in this world, ya know! Blake is excited, although I'm not sure he totally understands yet. He enjoyed playing with her over the weekend. I think this is going to be a really good thing for everyone involved. Prayers are of course appreciated!! I know we will need them! I will keep you all posted on how it all goes. I am hoping to find something out soon!!